3 Simple Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home
We all know that it's important to reduce toxins in our daily lives. But with so much information out there, it can be hard to know where to start. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, take a deep breath—we've got you covered. Here are three simple ways to reduce toxins in your home.

Signs You May Be Suffering from Toxic Overload

Signs You May Be Suffering from Toxic Overload
If you're feeling run down, struggling with chronic health issues, or just generally not feeling your best, it's possible that you're suffering from toxic overload. Toxic overload occurs when your body is overwhelmed by toxins and can no longer effectively process them. This can lead to a host of health problems, both mental and physical.

Fortunately, there are ways to detox your body and reduce your toxic load. But first, it's important to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of toxic overload. Read on to learn more.

Winter is gone (hopefully) let's get ORGANIZED!

I know organizing a home is typically a big topic for springtime, but if you didn't quite get your house in order, there’s no better time than now! Getting organized will leave so much more time for fun and family when the weather is nice!

To keep things simple and manageable, let’s tackle one thing at a time. I don’t know about you, but clothing clutter is killing our house right now. We still have winter clothing and outdoor gear all over, and now we’re starting to think about tank tops and shorts.

It’s time to tackle this clothing clutter in a manageable way. Take today and organize the winter gear. Do you need all the heavy coats, gloves, and snow boots within arm's reach? If you do, by all means, keep them out but if you don’t, gather them up and put them somewhere until next season. We keep ours in an extra closet where it’s still easy to grab them if we need them, but they are out of the way. It cuts down on the clutter so much!

Would you like to take three more days and organize your home a little more? Great! Click the image below and join me for three more days of organizing! We will tackle dressers and clothing closets and have the best tip for quick and easy decluttering.

So, grab some trash bags, and let’s go!!!

Two things you need to know about for summer prep: Skin + Exfoliation

As far as I’m concerned, it’s never too early to start thinking (and dreaming) about summer…. So, this month we are going to talk all about preparing for the summer months!

Up first, let’s talk about skin. Summer skin is much different than winter skin and the skin on our face is much different than the skin on our feet. One of the best ways to get all skin in summer shape is to exfoliate!

Exfoliation for skin is the holy grail of skincare.

However, too much of it is also bad. When exfoliation is done right, it makes the skin much smoother, cleaner, better, and younger. But if you use an exfoliator that’s a bit rough on the skin, or apply it too much or too often, or, even if you combine two or more exfoliating agents, then it’s very likely that is going to over-exfoliate your skin which can damage your skin’s lipid barrier. When this happens, our skin becomes rosy, puffy, or a bit swollen and can be easily inflamed. This inflammation can then escalate into an acne breakout. Using too much exfoliant also removes too much of the surface layer of the skin, taking away with it all the trapped moisture and your skin can become visibly dry and dehydrated.

The best way to exfoliate your face is to make small, circular motions using your fingers to apply a scrub according to your skin type. One of my favorite scrubs is the Satin Mint Facial Scrub.  If you are using a brush, make short, light strokes. Exfoliate for about 30 seconds and then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Keep in mind that the water should not be too hot.

When exfoliating other parts of your body like elbows, knees, and feet it may take a more heavy-duty scrub but it’s still important to not get carried away and scrub your skin too vigorously either while you’re washing or as you dry off. When you’re exfoliating, let the product do its job, and don’t feel the need to take off a layer of healthy skin cells by pressing too hard.  After you’re done with your shower or bath, be sure to pat dry rather than rubbing the towel back and forth across your body with all your strength. Over-scrubbing can cause dry skin to peel off before it’s ready to be removed. The scrubbing should be done gently in the shower, and when it’s time to dry, show your skin a little tenderness. 

Check out this DIY body scrub here:

Once you have that skin beautifully exfoliated, don't forget to moisturize! 

Watch for the next blog that will talk about prepping your home for summer!  I'd love to share with you the quality skin care products that I like to use.  

Sleep?? You mean people actually sleep at night?


Think about all the factors that can interfere with a good night's sleep — from work, stress, and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges, such as illnesses. It's no wonder that quality sleep is hard to come by. And I don't know about you, but when I don't have a great night of sleep, EVERYTHING is harder. People, tasks, people...

While you might not be able to control the factors that interfere with your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep. Here are six simple tips that are super helpful!

- Set aside no more than eight hours for sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. Most people don't need more than eight hours in bed to achieve this goal.
- Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. Being consistent reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle.
- If you don't fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when you're tired. Repeat as needed.

- Don't go to bed hungry or stuffed. In particular, avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours of bedtime. Your discomfort might keep you up.
- Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol deserve caution, too. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off and can wreak havoc on quality sleep. And even though alcohol might make you feel sleepy, it can disrupt sleep later in the night.

- Create a room that's ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet. Exposure to light might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.
- Doing calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques, might promote better sleep.
- Start your diffuser and add oils that support sleep. Some faves? 
     Lavender, oh hey calming plant power.
     Cedarwood supports the body in naturally producing melatonin.
     Frankincense, ummmm the science behind this one will blow your mind. Can you say sesquiterpene? Specifically alpha pinene? What does all that even mean?? WELL.. it can do something very special, that not many molecules can do.. cross the blood-brain barrier! That means it can enter brain cells and help promote the healing and health of neurons. Causing relaxation of the nervous system, focus, concentration, and brain health. Isn't that cool?!
- I mean chasing kids around and keeping them alive doesn't usually lend much time for naps, but in case you have the opportunity... long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep. If you choose to nap, limit yourself to up to 30 minutes and avoid doing so late in the day.
- If you work nights, however, you might need to nap late in the day before work to help make up your sleep debt.

- Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Avoid being active too close to bedtime, however. 
- Spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.

- Try to resolve your worries or concerns before bedtime. Jot down what's on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow. I know this is easier said than done but is what you aren't doing working now?
- Stress management might help. Start with the basics, such as getting organized, setting priorities, and delegating tasks. Meditation also can ease anxiety.

Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night — but if you often have trouble sleeping, identifying and treating any underlying causes can help you get the better sleep you deserve.

If you'd like to learn about other natural products that may improve your sleep, I'd be glad to scan you and then talk about some options.

My favorite way to increase energy.


As I mentioned last week, I'm so excited to share my absolute favorite way to increase energy....especially at that 2:30 pm midday slump!

Two words: Ningxia Red (ning shuh)

You may have heard me talk about this red juice with the funny name before but have you really taken the time to take a look at the benefits of this super juice? It's unlike ANY juice on the market. I like to call it "Ninja Juice" because of the Ninja powers I feel after drinking it. Kidding...kind of. 

To fully understand its amazingness we have to talk about the Ningxia Wolfberry. It's basically a vitamin capsule in the form of a fruit. Over 15 percent protein by weight, the wolfberry contains over 21 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and substantial amounts of chromium. Levels of vitamins such as thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), and vitamin C are extraordinarily high.

Ningxia Wolfberry Nutrient Summary
67 times the thiamin (vitamin B1) of brown rice
2 times the niacin (vitamin B3) of baker's yeast
3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach

Highest Known Source in Vitamins B1 and B3
The Ningxia wolfberry is the richest known whole food source of natural vitamin B1 or thiamin. Thiamin is essential for proper energy production, carbohydrate metabolism, and thyroid function. Thiamin deficiencies can result in impaired carbohydrate burning and a decline in the energy hormone thyrotropin. The wolfberry also has 100 times the niacin (vitamin B3) as oat bran.

I've only scratched the surface of the benefits of Ningxia Red. It's truly so much more than increased energy.  It also supports a healthy immune system, good eye health, and so much more!  And the best part is that it tastes delicious! Some people like to add a drop or two of an oil, like Orange Vitality or Thieves Vitality, but I love it all by itself.  All it takes is an ounce or two in a shot glass each day.

To get your own bottle to try, click here.  I highly recommend putting it on subscription so that you get the best price, as well as 10% - 25% in product credit!  You can set it up to come every month, or every other month, or every 3 months!  To minimize shipping costs, you might want to order a larger bundle and space it out every 2 or 3 months.

My family drinks this every day and we have enjoyed a greater measure of wellness than you would think during the last few years.  I'd be glad to chat with you to answer any questions.

Exhausted?? Let's talk about it.

Exhausted? Not sleeping well? Hitting those afternoon slumps? This month I am talking all things energy, stress, and sleep!!

Today, I am going to dive deep into four ways to boost energy levels--naturally

Can stress cause extreme fatigue?

Friend, does this sound too familiar? 

  • You wake up and are unable to function without a significant amount of caffeine.
  • You finally feel a boost of energy during the early part of the day.
  • Then your energy levels crash around 2 p.m., rise around 6 p.m., and fall again around 9 p.m.
Can stress cause extreme fatigue? Yes, it absolutely can....



What in the world is greenwashing? Also known as cleanwashing. You may have heard this term before, especially if you’ve been switching to more natural products. It’s something that a LOT of people fall victim to, me included, so don't worry, I got you! First, let's define it all official-like and then in layman terms.

 - disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.

 Greenwashing is when companies mislead consumers by claiming that their products are safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly, and natural when in reality they are NOT.
 If you see some of these terms on the front label of a product, it is the perfect time to flip that bottle over and read those ingredients! A lot of these terms are unregulated and can be used by anybody with no real meaning:
  • Botanical
  • Chemical-free
  • Dermatologist recommended
  • Earth-friendly
  • Extracts
  • Gentle
  • Green
  • Herbal
  • Mineral
  • Natural
  • Naturally essenced or fragranced
  • Oil-free
  • Organic 
  • Plant-based
  • Plant-derived
  • Pure
  • Raw
  • Sensitive
  • Sulfate-free
Another term I want to introduce to you is something that I have coined BRANDWASHING. People can fall prey to greenwashing when they see a brand that has marketed itself well as a clean ingredient company, maybe even has a product or two that are truly clean, but then offer other products that are anything but clean. You see the one product and assume that means it’s ALL good.

 Courtesy of momscleanairforce.org
 1. Start With the Ingredient Label.
 If no ingredients are listed anywhere on the package, that’s your first sign of deception. Every single product should share its ingredients. Only companies who have something to hide will keep ingredients secret. They may hide behind “trade-secret laws” (yes, I’m talking to you, fragrance and household cleaners), but the truth is that if they won’t share what’s in the formulation, then you should think twice before purchasing the product. You have a right to know what’s inside, and you should be able to access that information right at the point of purchase.
 And while we’re looking at formulations, glance at how long the ingredient list is and whether or not you understand everything on it. Laundry lists of chemical names, trademark signs, or alpha-numeric ingredients means there’s a good chance the product contains synthetic ingredients and chemicals that have gone through extensive processing. Better to put that one back and opt for something simpler and more natural.
 2. Read Between the Lines: Understanding Terminology.
 There are a few terms that are commonly mistaken as legitimate claims for better products but are actually only marketing terms. Words like “green”, “eco” and “clean” actually aren’t regulated the way “organic” is, for example, and each needs a further review. Start with the tips listed above in cross-checking these claims with the actual ingredients.
 You can also take a look at the company and see if they have a banned substances list on their website. How robust is it? What else do they do around being green or sustainable? What’s their packaging like? Do they participate in 1% for the Planet or another give-back program? These details can tell you a lot about who a company is, and whether or not to trust their marketing claims.
 Be wary of “plant-based” claims. It can mean that the ingredients once came from plants, but were brought to a lab where they were put through highly chemically intense processes, and may now even contain genetic engineering or synthetic biology. Just because something is plant-derived doesn’t make it natural.
 3. Steer Clear of Anything That Stinks!
 Avoid the terms “fragrance”, “scent” or “parfum/perfume”, which are actually just umbrella terms for what can be hundreds of undisclosed ingredients that make up a single fragrance. What’s worse, many of those secret ingredients have nothing to do with fragrance, but can include harsh chemicals, preservatives and other ingredients that serve to fill the product.
 4. Don’t Be Duped by Single-Chemical Claims.
 When you see single ingredient claims—think “BPA-Free”, “Phthalate-Free”, “PFOA-Free”, etc. – it’s worth probing a little further. That single claim doesn’t tell you much, given that it’s only one out of over 85,000 potential ingredients in use in consumer products. Turn over the package and read the rest of the ingredient list. You may find that one hormone-disrupting chemical like, BPA, or bisphenol-A, may have been swapped for BPS, or bisphenol-S, a similar chemical thought to be even more harmful to children’s health. Researchers call this a “regrettable substitution” – when one chemical is banned, only to be replaced with another chemical just as harmful, or potentially worse.
 5. Look for Independent Third-Party Certifications Instead.
 This means that an organization or some other body, independent of the company, has assessed the product. You may be familiar with big ones like USDA Organic or the Non-GMO Project. But there are many more specific ones, like MADE SAFE for nontoxic products, or Fair Trade for worker protections, or OEKO-TEX for fabrics.
 Be wary of companies that make their own certification, like emblems, that don’t have any true meaning behind them. It’s the accountability in a third-party certification that helps ensure the brand is doing what it claims to do. You want to trust those legitimate certifications that have real programs and scientific method and/or rigorous programs behind them.
 6. What is the Price Point and Can it Tell You Anything?
 Unfortunately, it’s often an unavoidable truth that better ingredients tend to cost more, which means the product can sometimes be more expensive. So if a product claims to be made with only good ingredients and yet is ultra-cheap, look a little deeper. Sometimes, these products have taken short-cuts or are filled with inexpensive synthetic ingredients that don’t always serve a purpose in the end product. Instead, we suggest buying better products from companies you trust and/or are certified, even if the cost is higher.
 You can offset cost by using fewer products. We often don’t need half the products we have, although we’ve been marketed to so that we think we need them. It’s worth evaluating what’s in your cabinet, and seeing what you really need and what you might be able to stop spending money on.
 7. Get to Know the Companies You Buy From.
 Check them out. How do they treat their employees? Where do they source ingredients, and are they transparent about it? Do they have a their banned substance list? Who do they support with their work? Do they do more than just sell? All of these things can tell you a lot about what a company stands for and who makes the decisions about how to interact in the world, and whether they’re one you want to support with your dollars.
 I know it’s hard to know which products are safer. That’s largely thanks to a lack of viable legislation in this country to regulate what goes into the products we use in our homes and on our bodies, and what labels can legally claim. Until the laws are comprehensive and enforced, we need independent, uninfluenced third parties who can help consumers navigate the free-wheeling world of claims. And in the meantime, you can implement these seven easy strategies to avoid being greenwashed!

Would you like my free guide to natural wellness? It’s a quick resource to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals.  If you want to take some extra time, there are two videos and several articles that give some great info as well.

I'd love to chat with you about easy ways to support your wellness!


Chicken Noodle Soup-The All-American Cold Medicine

Chicken Noodle Soup-The All-American Cold Medicine
When you were younger, chances are that whenever you started to feel under the weather, your mother or grandmother would give you a big bowl of chicken noodle soup and tell you to rest.  You would be skeptical about the soup helping you feel better, but before you knew it you were feeling like yourself again.  However, for centuries it has been prescribed by mothers, grandmothers, and doctors alike and has been served with and without noodles.   

Chicken soup gets its “medicinal” components from the chicken itself.  As the chicken cooks, it releases an amino acid resembling properties in medicine used to fight infections, such as upper respiratory tract infections, like a cold or the flu. In 2000, a study found chicken soup may also reduce inflammation, which equals fewer symptoms with an infection.  With fewer symptoms, the infection is easier for our immune systems to defend against, allowing us to get better and back to our normal lives quicker. 

Our mothers, grandmothers, and even our great-grandmothers were not the inventors of chicken soup though.  Chicken soup, also known as “Jewish Penicillin”, was not invented by the Jewish culture either, but no one seems to be sure as to when or where the first chicken soup was made.  Some believe that the soup originated in the Far East, as they are believed to have invented the noodle.  But others believe that it was in Ancient Greece that noodles were first seen floating in chicken broth and served. 

Chicken soup has definitely stood the test of time, but the addition of noodles has been something more recent.  It is noted that the company 'Campbells' was the first to commercially combine chicken soup and noodles, thus changing the landscape of the chicken soup forever.  Campbells Soup describes the soup as a “soul-warming, trusted soup that brings a smile with every spoonful.”  As we know, Campbells Soups are M’m! M’m! Good!®.   

Our affection for chicken soup is definitely universal, but the recipe is not. If you were to Google ‘chicken noodle soup recipes’, you would get 140,000,000 results!  There are also many variations, such as in Greece, they add lemon and egg to the broth, in Thailand, they add lots of lime juice and coconut, and in the US, we usually add plenty of carrots, celery, and other various root vegetables to the broth.  No matter what, whenever you feel under the weather or the weather is gloomy, be sure to grab a nice warm bowl of chicken noodle soup with a little hot sauce for an added source of several vitamins and minerals and you’ll feel better in no time!  

If you'd like to learn more about easy, everyday ways we can support our wellness, check out my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/easyeverydaywellness.  

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