3 Ways to Avoid Looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame

3 Ways to Avoid Looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Stop slouching!” or “Sit up straight!”  We heard that all the time growing up from our grandmothers and our mothers. They would warn us that as we aged, if we continued to sit like that, we would have a hump like the hunchback of Notre Dame. They weren’t entirely wrong, but they weren't entirely right either and here’s why.

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or a combination of both.  This results in our bones becoming weaker as we age, causing them to sometimes break following a fall or even a minor bump.

The hump that they were referring to is often called a Dowager’s Hump.” This occurs when the vertebrae become wedge-shaped, which in turn creates the pronounced curve in the upper back.  Osteoporosis helps to weaken the vertebrae, allowing them to make this change in shape.  Here are ways that Dowager’s Hump can be prevented:

  1.      Increasing our calcium intake

Pre- and post-menopausal women should increase their daily intake to 1,800 milligrams per day. This can be done by increasing calcium rich foods, like dairy products and salmon.  Check out this post for more information. 

  1.     Exercise

Dr. Wilson suggests doing 3 sets of the following exercises: Chin tucks, Scapular squeezes, and push-ups into a corner of a room or through a doorway. This will help strengthen the upper back muscles.

  1.     Healthy diet

Making sure that our diets are filled with fruits and veggies can help. It’s also wise to steer clear of soda, as the phosphoric acid in some sodas can have a negative effect on bone density.  Be sure to check out my previous post about Nutrition for Women after 50

Our grandmothers and mothers were also right.  Correcting our posture will also help to prevent Dowager’s Hump.  So,

Sit up straight!  Your back and neck will thank you for it!

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