How to operate a business where customers feel safe

How to operate a business where customers feel safe
Things are crazy right now, I get it.  Business owners are in a hard spot.  They want to welcome customers, but people are hesitant to be out any more than absolutely necessary.  So, what do you need to do to make your customers feel safe?  Just 2 things, really.

1. Create a peaceful, safe atmosphere 

At a time when people are worried about going out in public, you can help by creating a safe space the moment they walk in your door. Diffusers have long been used in aromatherapy treatments as they help to cleanse the air and promote soothing feelings in the environment.  

Who doesn't love to smell some citrus, cinnamon, or peppermint?  Your customers may not know this, but just by breathing it in they are supporting their overall wellness, as well as feeling more peaceful and secure! 

~ Choose wisely~

Not all things that smell nice, really are! Did you know that most air fresheners contain toxic chemicals that can cause headaches, rashes, dizziness, asthma, confusion, or coughing? If you want to provide a safe, healthy environment, you need to use something other than the typical plug ins and sprays.  Don't even think about running to the store to pick up a cheap bottle of essential oil.  Those oils are produced in a factory just for their smell, with little or no real health benefit.

If you want to support the wellness of your customers, you need to go to a farm where plants are grown, harvested, and distilled in a way that gives you the best quality possible!  I've actually seen this process, and it is amazing!

2.  Get rid of the toxic Chemicals!

This seems like common sense, but is it?  When you grab that well known cleaner from underneath your sink and start spraying it everywhere, could you actually be hurting yourself and your customers?

Conventional cleaning products contain many endocrine-disrupting chemicals that can wreak havoc on your respiratory system, cellular health, thyroid, adrenal glands, and even mental clarity. Have you ever had trouble breathing while cleaning the bathroom or oven?

If you see a warning to call poison control if swallowed, you really need to rethink your choice of cleaners!

~Are there any SAFE cleaners?~

Yes, there are!  I switched EVERY cleaner in my house for one product that can clean everything without any harmful ingredients!  You won't find a phone number for Poison Control on the bottle, because it's not necessary!

My cleaner actually supports a healthy immune system, instead of attacking it!

It's super concentrated, so it only takes a capful to make a 16 oz spray bottle of cleaner!  
I use the same product in my office, that I use at home. I know that it is effective, yet safe for pets (we have an office dog, plus cats at home) as well as being safe for my boss's granddaughter to visit.


Want safe and comfortable customers?

As they walk in the door and comment on the great smell from your diffuser, tell them that you have chosen the highest quality essential oils to clean the air and provide a relaxing environment.  You could also let them know that your office / store is cleaned with a natural, safe cleaner, without the toxic ingredients!

You'll be amazed at how easy it will be for you to make these 2 changes that will make your business a safe, clean, relaxing place to do business.  The best part is that I will be your guide, answering questions and helping you every step of the way.  Are you ready? I am excited about helping you operate your business safely!  

I'd love to hear about your business, so I can help you formulate a plan that works for you!