What's the difference between ancient grains and modern wheat?

What's the difference between ancient grains and modern wheat?
Let’s chat about the differences between ancient grains and modern wheat. Trust me, it’s more interesting than it sounds!

First off, let’s talk variety. Ancient grains are like nature’s time capsules – they’ve barely changed over centuries. 

Now, onto the good stuff: nutrition. Ancient grains are nutrient powerhouses! They hang on to their original goodies like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Take quinoa, for example. It’s packed with protein and has all nine essential amino acids – that’s like hitting the jackpot!  Plus, many ancient grains have less gluten, which is a win for anyone dealing with gluten sensitivities.

Next, let's look at processing. Modern wheat flour goes through quite a bit of processing – it’s like running a marathon and ending up with just the medal (the end product) but losing the experience (nutrients). Ancient grains, on the other hand, keep it real. They often retain most of their natural nutrients because they’re less processed. Even when ground into flour, they hold onto their goodness.

As for the flavor and texture? Ancient grains are flavor bombs! Quinoa has this smoky, nutty taste, and amaranth offers a hint of peppery zest. Using them can really jazz up your dishes and add some culinary pizzazz.

Now, why did we shift away from ancient grains to modern wheat? Long story short, it’s about the need for speed and efficiency. During industrialization, there was a big push for crops that were easy to harvest, transport, and process. Modern wheat fit the bill perfectly with its high yields and resistance to pests. Economically, it made sense, but nutritional diversity took a hit.

Then there’s the whole taste and texture thing. As processed foods started to dominate, people craved the soft, mild-flavored goodies like white bread and pastries. Ancient grains, with their distinct flavors, took a backseat. And let’s not forget the power of marketing – convenience, taste, and shelf life became the buzzwords, and ancient grains were left largely unmentioned.

But here’s the exciting part -  ancient grains are making a comeback! People are more health-conscious now, looking for foods that offer real benefits and sustainability. Ancient grains fit the bill perfectly. They’re not just healthier; they also bring variety and a touch of history to our plates.

So next time you’re at the grocery store, why not give ancient grains a try? They’re packed with nutrition, bring unique flavors, and are a nod to our culinary roots.

If you'd like to see how ancient grains allowed me to start eating bread again, check out my next blog.  

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