Nutrition for Women after 50

Nutrition for Women after 50
Is there a simple recipe to fight aging?  Doesn’t seem possible, you say?  Actually, the ingredients are easy to find.  All it takes is the right mix of nutrients from your daily diet, along with regular exercise, and you will feel and look great!

One way to make sure that you are getting the nutrients that you need is to improve your intake of calcium and Vitamin D.  Vitamin D actually helps your body to regulate and absorb calcium.  Eating such foods as low fat yogurt, cheese, milk, and ice cream 3 to 4 times daily will help you get the nutrients that you need.  If you are lactose-intolerant, you can get these nutrients from hard cheeses, yogurt, canned salmon, and broccoli.  Another option would be food or drinks that state that the nutrients have been added in by the manufacturer, such as orange juice that’s been fortified.  

Another way to get the nutrients that you need is to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes or beans. This can be easy to do.  Simply add a wide variety of fruits and veggies into your morning smoothie or switch your pasta or cereal to one made with whole grains. Eating these foods also provides an added bonus, as these will also give you disease-fighting antioxidants that are known to play a role in helping to prevent diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s.   

You can also help your body by cutting down on salt in your diet.  Too much salt leads to high blood pressure.  If high blood pressure is left uncontrolled, it can lead to heart conditions, such as a heart attack or stroke.  High blood pressure causes the arteries and blood vessels to become clogged, known as Myocardial ischemia, preventing adequate blood flow to the heart muscle causing less oxygen to get the cells and tissues in your heart.  High cholesterol is also another cause of Myocardial ischemia.  Making sure that you are choosing your fats wisely can help to keep your cholesterol down.  Fats to avoid include trans and saturated fats, which can be hidden in butter, stick margarine, processed foods, and doughnuts.  Fats that you should choose are known as “good fats”, which can be found in foods, such as nuts and seeds, avocado, and fresh salmon and tuna.  

Making sure that you are taking advantage of all the “ingredients” that you are putting in your daily diet can make up the simple “recipe” to fight aging.

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