How to clean your oven without having an asthma attack

How to clean your oven without having an asthma attack

I don't know if they still make ovens that do NOT clean themselves, but I'm old enough to remember having to use some really nasty stuff to clean mine.  Even though I didn't normally have any respiratory issues, when I cleaned the oven, I sure did!  

I had to  hold my breath while I sprayed the cleaner in the oven.  Since I couldn't hold my breath long enough to get the oven completely coated, I had to run out of the room to take some deep breaths, then go back in to finish spraying.  My husband, who was several rooms away would start having an asthma attack from the fumes, even from such a distance!

Whether you've had the same experience with oven cleaner or other cleaners, I'm sure that you've experienced the unpleasantness of breathing in those fumes.  Back then, I didn't think I had a choice, but now I know better!  

I can take a deep breath of my new cleaner, at full strength, without any respiratory distress and know that I am actually making my immune system better!  Do you want to know why? It's because the stuff I was using before had toxic ingredients in it, that my body was never designed to inhale.  

The stuff I use now has all safe ingredients.  Safe for kids and pets – if they drink any of it, you don't have to call poison control!  Just have them drink water.

Are you tired of breathing in toxic ingredients every time you clean?  Would you like to try something better?  I'd love to help you get the good stuff that I use for everything- mirrors, floors, counters, oven, sink.

How toxic are household cleaners?

How toxic are household cleaners?
How toxic are my household cleaners?

Most commercial cleaning products are full of super nasty ingredients. If you doubt me, hang on for just a minute or two to learn the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your household cleaning products.

According to the American Lung Association, the ingredients in most commercial solutions, sprays, and scrubs can:

• Be air pollutants
• Be harmful chemicals
• Be flammable or corrosive
• Irritate eyes or throat
• Cause headaches
• Contribute to health problems like chronic respiratory problems and allergic reactions

Not only are these ingredients problematic, but they’re pretty far from your “let’s go green!” goals, am I right?

The worst part is - brace yourself—manufacturers aren’t even legally required to list all ingredients! It sounds crazy, but toxic ingredients could be lingering in your laundry detergents and floor cleaners without you even knowing about it!

For example, some products such as carpet cleaners and dishwasher liquid release VOCs—volatile organic compounds. Experts say that some VOCs can irritate eyes, nose, and throat; create difficulty breathing and nausea; and cause harm to the central nervous system and other organs.

Do you really want that stuff in your house?

The simplest way to get the job done safely is to check the labels. Then go online and type in 'dangers of' and list the ingredients. You'll be alarmed at what you find.  Products can be green washed, meaning they have packaging that advertises as “green” or “natural” but sneak unwelcome ingredients into their formulas. Yuck!

It’s also important to remember that these issues don’t only apply to the cleaning aisle. When shopping for candles and air fresheners, avoid these factory-crafted temptations. Instead, make your own custom scents for your house.  I can show you how!

Ultimately, if you can find companies and products with the mission to use from-the-earth, not-harmful, naturally derived ingredients, you’re all set. Lucky for you, I can help with that!

I only use one cleaner for everything in my house - floors, counters, stove top, mirrors, bathroom, etc.  It has a delicious, spicy smell that doesn't give me any trouble breathing.  Can you open your bottle of cleaner and take a deep breath without having an asthma attack?  I can!  In fact, my cleaner actually improves my wellness, rather than attacking it! It is super concentrated, so that one bottle makes a LOT of cleaner! 

Would you like to hear more?  I'd love to chat with you to show you how you can clean your house without the toxic ingredients!  Just click here to get my free guide - 5 easy steps to healthier living!