How to clean your oven without having an asthma attack

How to clean your oven without having an asthma attack

I don't know if they still make ovens that do NOT clean themselves, but I'm old enough to remember having to use some really nasty stuff to clean mine.  Even though I didn't normally have any respiratory issues, when I cleaned the oven, I sure did!  

I had to  hold my breath while I sprayed the cleaner in the oven.  Since I couldn't hold my breath long enough to get the oven completely coated, I had to run out of the room to take some deep breaths, then go back in to finish spraying.  My husband, who was several rooms away would start having an asthma attack from the fumes, even from such a distance!

Whether you've had the same experience with oven cleaner or other cleaners, I'm sure that you've experienced the unpleasantness of breathing in those fumes.  Back then, I didn't think I had a choice, but now I know better!  

I can take a deep breath of my new cleaner, at full strength, without any respiratory distress and know that I am actually making my immune system better!  Do you want to know why? It's because the stuff I was using before had toxic ingredients in it, that my body was never designed to inhale.  

The stuff I use now has all safe ingredients.  Safe for kids and pets – if they drink any of it, you don't have to call poison control!  Just have them drink water.

Are you tired of breathing in toxic ingredients every time you clean?  Would you like to try something better?  I'd love to help you get the good stuff that I use for everything- mirrors, floors, counters, oven, sink.