Staying fit in your Later Years

Staying fit in your Later Years

So you’ve hit your 50’s, what now? How can you make the best of these years and enjoy the activities you always have?  

One way to make the best of these years is to stay fit.  How, you might  ask?  Keep reading and you’ll see. 

"Exercise is really important as you get older," says Tom Iannetta, a senior athletic trainer, who’s also a certified strength and conditioning specialist.  One thing to keep in mind when you start exercising, is that you may have to tweak your exercise routine to avoid injuries, as it can be easier to get hurt as we age.  So you might not be able to do the latest exercise craze, but staying active is still very important.  

This also doesn’t mean that you can’t do the exercises that you know and love just because you’re older, you just have to be more cautious, like don’t push yourself like you did when you were in your 20’s.  As we age, our muscles don’t work quite how they used to.  They tend to be tighter and not have the same range of motion they once did.  This is why it’s very important to know your limits and listen to what your body is telling you and proceed with caution.  

Good ways to prevent injury when you’re older are just the same as when you were in your 20’s.  Things like making sure that you do warm-ups and stretches before you exercise will help your muscles respond better and hopefully help prevent injuries.  This doesn’t have to take long.  You can do stretches for about 5 to 10 minutes prior to starting your exercise or physical activity and you’ll be ready to go.  Also, remember to stay hydrated while exercising.  This is very important in helping to prevent cramps in your muscles as you participate in your exercise routine.  

Some great activities to try as you age, include walking, swimming, water aerobic exercises, stationary bikes or elliptical machines and any low-impact exercises, such as yoga.  Be sure to get clearance from your family physician before starting any exercising routine, as they can also give you advice on what exercise routine might be safe for you.  

And remember, “More isn’t always better,” says Iannetta.  “There’s no shame in adapting your routine as you get older.  It’s the movement, not the method, that matters.”  

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