Everyone is concerned about staying healthy, especially after all that has happened this year!  We've all been told how we need to wash our hands, cover our coughs and sneezes, and stay home when we are feeling sick. Got it!

I'd like to give you some additional easy, practical ways to stay healthy that you may not have considered.

Vitamin D
During the summer, most of us can soak up all of the Vitamin D that our body needs by being outside.  In the fall and winter - not so much!  The colder weather and fewer daylight hours reduce the amount of time that we spend outside.  You can get Vitamin D from your diet by eating salmon, lake trout, albacore tuna, egg yolks, and cheese.  If you aren't getting enough of these types of food, you might want to consider taking a good supplement.

Stay Active
There are still a lot of great things to do outside in the fall.  You could go pick some apples, take a walk around your neighborhood, or go for a longer stroll to enjoy the fall colors.  Whatever you choose, just make it a point to get your body moving, instead of just sitting inside all day.  This will also help you boost your Vitamin D levels! 

Get some exercise
While you are spending time outside, why not kick it up a notch and get some exercise in at the same time?  You could take a bike ride and enjoy the scenery.  Get some friends together for a game of frisbee golf, basketball, or soccer.  Play tag with the kids or even rake some leaves or weed the garden.  Anything to keep you moving, while enjoying the fresh air.

Snack mindfully
Eat like an athlete - not a couch potato - on game day.  Look for healthier snacks, like a veggie tray in place of chips.  If you have some game day favorites that you just can't do without, consider serving in smaller bowls or plates.  Portion control is a huge step in staying healthy!  Don't make enough snacks to feed a team, if you only have 3-4 people coming.  You might also want to consider having a healthy meal before the game, so you aren't as likely to overindulge in the snack food.

Pumpkins aren't just for carving!  They're a great source of immune boosting Vitamin A, they are low in calories and carbs, and they can be eaten in so many ways.  The seeds are filled with phytosterols, which may help to lower cholesterol.  You'll find all kinds of recipes if you do a quick online search.

Fall baking favorites
We all have special treats that we only enjoy in the fall.  My favorites are peanut butter fudge, buckeyes, and sour cream cookies.  We used to start making them on the day after Thanksgiving, and we kept well stocked all the way thru New Year's Eve.  That's a lot of sweets!  Now, I choose to wait a couple more weeks to start making them - usually when the Christmas parties start.  This shortens our eating window by a few weeks.

I've been experimenting with healthier versions, but still allow myself an occasional familiar favorite.  The key is moderation.  I make the cookies smaller and cut the fudge into smaller pieces, keeping some of it in the freezer so I don't have to feel like I have to eat it quickly, before it goes bad.

Pumpkin spice?
Do you love pumpkin spice, either the smell or the taste?  Here's the problem - well 2, actually.  Most ways of eating it are filled with sugar.  Most ways of smelling it are filled with harmful ingredients (like endocrine disruptors).

I have an easy option for you.  Instead of using a scented candle or a fancy room spray, why not use a few drops of pure essential oils in a diffuser to make your home smell great?  These oils are so pure that you can even put them in your coffee or in your desserts.  I even have a recipe for a natural household  cleaner with a spicy aroma that smells great.  Or you can add some oils to it so that it smells like pumpkin spice!  I mean, if you have to clean your house (and you really should every once in awhile) why not make it smell amazing!

Give your immune system some love!
Most of the time, our immune system does a pretty good job of protecting us from germs and illness. However, when we eat too much sugar and processed foods, and we don't get the exercise we should, our body needs a little help!  

My family takes a few extra steps in the fall and winter to make sure that our immune systems are well supported.  My husband used to get a cold every year that literally lasted most of the season!  Since we changed our diet and started supporting our immune system with oils and supplements, he rarely gets sick! When he does, it only lasts a few days, rather than the whole season.  I consider that to be healthy living!

I hope you picked up a few new ideas after reading this blog.  If you'd like to learn more easy wellness tips, I'd love to have you join my Facebook group HERE where we discuss various wellness areas and run occasional challenges. I hope to see you there!


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