There are only 2 reasons people get sick
You read that correctly.  There are only 2 reasons that people get sick.

1. Deficiency – not enough good stuff
Our body needs a variety of good nutrients in order to be healthy.  The best way to achieve this is to eat healthy, less processed foods, cooking from scratch as much as possible.  Adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet will provide a lot of great nutrients to keep your body well.  If you feel that your diet is lacking, I can suggest some high quality supplements to fill in those nutritional gaps.

2. Toxicity – too much bad stuff

Every day we are exposed to air, food, water, and other environmental factors that are not as pure as they used to be. Thyroid, metabolism, circulation, immune function, and digestion can all be affected by environmental pollutants.  But it's not  just the bad stuff OUTSIDE our homes that can cause trouble. 

Have you ever had to open doors and windows to clear the air of toxic fumes after you have cleaned the bathroom or kitchen?   Have you noticed that many of those cleaners contain labels warning about inhaling the fumes or getting it on your skin, or accidental ingestion?  They suggest that you call poison control!  

According to the American Lung Association, the ingredients in most cleaners, sprays, and scrubs can:

• Be air pollutants
• Contain harmful chemicals
• Be flammable or corrosive
• Irritate eyes or throat
• Cause headaches
• Contribute to health problems like chronic respiratory problems and allergic reactions

The worst part is - brace yourself—manufacturers aren’t even legally required to list all ingredients! It sounds crazy, but toxic ingredients could be lingering in your laundry detergents and floor cleaners without you even knowing about it!

What you need is a safe cleaner that can reduce the toxins, without compromising your health. Lucky for you, I can help with that!

I only use one cleaner for everything in my house - floors, counters, stove top, mirrors, bathroom, etc. It has a delicious, spicy smell that doesn't give me any trouble breathing. Can you open your bottle of cleaner and take a deep breath without having an asthma attack?  I can!  In fact, my cleaner actually improves my wellness, rather than attacking it!

Not only does my cleaner reduce the harmful toxins in my house, it also gives me the good stuff to support my wellness. It's really affordable, and there is no need to include the number for Poison Control on the bottle - it's safe for kids and pets!

I've been using it for the past few years, and I can tell you that the wellness level of my family has definitely improved!  I attribute that change to eating fresh, healthy foods, replacing toxic products with safe ones, and adding some natural remedies that keep me from visiting the pharmacy on a regular basis.

If you'd like to learn more about what I use, CONTACT ME so we can chat about how you can improve the wellness level in your home, without spending a lot of money.  


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