How safe is your makeup?  How to Choose Safe Cosmetics for A Healthier Beauty Routine
Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to our hearts – cosmetics. We all love a good makeup routine, but did you know that many beauty products contain hidden toxins that could be impacting our health? Let's take a closer look at what's hiding in our cosmetics and how we can make safer choices for our beauty routines.

First off, let's talk about parabens. These are synthetic preservatives commonly found in cosmetics to prolong shelf life. However, they have been linked to hormone disruption and even breast cancer. Yikes! It's essential to check labels and opt for paraben-free products to protect our hormonal balance and overall well-being.

Next on our list are phthalates. These chemicals are often used to make fragrances last longer in cosmetics. However, they can interfere with our endocrine system and may contribute to reproductive issues. Choosing fragrance-free or naturally scented products can help us avoid these harmful compounds.

Now, let's focus on formaldehyde-releasing agents. Yes, you read that right – formaldehyde. These agents are used as preservatives in some cosmetics but can release small amounts of formaldehyde over time. Formaldehyde exposure has been linked to respiratory issues and skin irritation, so it's best to steer clear of products containing these ingredients.

And let's not forget about synthetic colors. While they may make our makeup look vibrant and appealing, many synthetic colors are derived from coal tar, a known carcinogen. Opting for products with natural pigments or mineral-based colors can help us avoid unnecessary exposure to harmful chemicals.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves from these hidden toxins? 

First, become a label detective. Check labels and choose products that are free from the harmful substances listed above.

Second, explore natural and organic cosmetics brands. These brands prioritize using safe, non-toxic ingredients that nourish our skin without compromising our health. 

Lastly, share your knowledge with friends and family. Empower others to make informed choices about their cosmetics and encourage them to prioritize their health and well-being.

I've been using safe makeup for the last 7 years and I love the way it makes my skin healthier, rather than causing skin irritation. I use the word safe instead of clean, because there is no industry definition for clean.  Knowing that every ingredient is safe for my skin is what I'm looking for.  I chose a quarterly subscription plan so that I can get a discount on the products.  The fact that the subscription is quarterly tells me that they expect the products to last for 3 months, which makes it very affordable! If you'd like to know more about this safe makeup line, drop me a note or reply below and we can chat. 

If you prefer to check things out on your own, look HERE for more information.

By carefully choosing what we put on our skin, we can embrace beauty routines that enhance our natural radiance without compromising our health. 

As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post.


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