Cut down on sugar?  Are you crazy?
We all love a bit of convenience and comfort when it comes to our food choices, don't we? Who can resist a sweet treat that gives us that instant energy kick and satisfies our cravings? But, have you ever wondered how too much sugar can jeopardize your health? Let’s chat about that for a minute or two.

As hard as it is to hear, our beloved sugar is a bit of a troublemaker when it comes to our waistlines. It's really fun but doesn't bring much to the table nutritionally. This can throw our body's energy balance out of whack, making us more likely to put on weight. And since carrying extra weight is linked to some not-so-great health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer, keeping an eye on our sugar intake is a pretty good idea.

Now, let's talk about sugar and type 2 diabetes. Consuming excessive sugar can overburden our bodies, leading to a scenario where they don't effectively respond to insulin as needed, paving the way for insulin resistance.  Choosing less sugary options helps keep our blood sugar levels steady.

How about our teeth?  Bacteria that cause tooth decay feed on sugar, creating acids that can lead to cavities or even bigger tooth troubles. Cutting down on sweets can help keep our smiles bright and healthy.

Lastly, who knew sugar could mess with our minds too? Yup, sugar’s highs and lows can make us feel like we're on an emotional roller coaster, and let's not forget its knack for keeping us coming back for more. I've heard it said that sugar is more addictive than some narcotics!  By saying no to that extra sugar, we might just find ourselves feeling more stable and cheerful.

While a little sugar here and there is all part of life's joys, being mindful about not overdoing it can bring some amazing benefits our way. From keeping our hearts healthy and our teeth intact to maintaining a cheery mood, the perks of cutting back on sugar are pretty sweet. 

It's easier to make this type of change with a few friends to encourage and inspire us.  That's why we will be doing a 2 week Sugar Reduction Challenge starting on May 20.  I'm not asking anyone to completely cut out all sugar, but I do want us to take a closer look at the impacts of sugar and learn some ways to eat less of it.   Each day I'll give you a tidbit of information about sugar and I'll also give you one task.  I don't expect radical overnight changes - just a willingness to consider new daily choices for our health.

Here's the link to our private group where we will work on reducing sugar together.  Feel free to invite a friend to join us!


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