Healthy Habits: A Guide to Making Them Stick!
Imagine trying on a new pair of shoes. It’s uncomfortable at first, but the more you wear them, the better they feel. Sometimes they’ll even form to your foot and become your go-to accessory. Habits act the same way. Consistent, daily actions become the fabric of who we are. Forming healthy habits creates a pathway to achieving your goals.

Maybe you’re a momma who wants to dedicate more hours to “me” time. Or you work a 9-5 job and want to live an active lifestyle. Perhaps you dream of being your own boss. The sky’s the limit, and in 2020 you’re going to reach it! The key is to establishing habits that will take you there.

How do you start healthy habits?

The start of a new decade is the ideal time to implement positive habits. Then, before you know it, you’ll have created a healthy lifestyle. Try these simple tips to make your habits stick!

Slow your roll—start small
Just remember, the Sistine Chapel wasn’t built in a day. Lucky for us, forming habits won’t take that long. When you create specific goals, they’re easier to obtain and build upon. Start by implementing simple steps each day for a big result.  Here are a few ideas:

~ Listen to a motivational podcast. Whether you’re commuting to work or running errands, hearing others motivate or inspire you can keep your spirits high!
~ Diffuse each morning. Find a blend that inspires you to conquer the day. 
~ Journal your experience. Recording your daily achievements can help you stay motivated and reach your overall goal!
~ Stay accountable by sharing your journey. Sometimes motivation comes from outside yourself, so confide in a friend, blast your goals on social media, or call your mom after every gym session.

Replace bad habits with good ones

While you’re deep-cleaning your bad habits, it’s important to replace them with healthy ones. Here are some examples:

~ Swap tooth-aching candy with tasty, nutritious treats. 
~Skip crash-and-burn soda—go for a natural pick-me-up!
~Wellness on the go? We’ve got your pack! Take a superfruit beverage wherever, whenever.
~Cleaning with no-good toxic solutions? We’ve got a swap for that! Ask me about the cleaning products I use for a sweetly spiced, healthy home.

Cut down on decision making
Too many decisions in a day can create overwhelming feelings—and no one’s got time for that. Create a plan in advance while your motivation is at an all-time high, so when you hit a lull you simply stick to the plan.

~ Schedule a fitness class or workout with a friend every week and put it on the calendar. There’s something special about a group achieving greatness together!  
~ Stock up on nutrition support. Vitamins are an easy way to boost your health game. 
~ Master meal prep! Dedicate an afternoon to creating at least one meal a day for a week, so you’re fueled with healthy, on-the-go dishes. Bonus: Less cooking equals more time for yourself!

Reward yourself—you deserve it!
Changing your lifestyle can be tough—but you can do hard things and that is amazing! Reward yourself when you hit a milestone with any of these options.
~ Treat yourself to new experiences. Maybe take a weekend retreat near the beach.
~ Gift yourself a shiny new beauty product. Look good on your way to success!
~ Make time for self-care—even a long bath or a super-hydrating face mask can be a reward.
~ Take yourself and a friend to lunch to celebrate! There’s no shame in hyping up your achievements; it might inspire others to go after their goals!

Forgive yourself and start again
There may be times when you find yourself off the path to success. It’s okay—that’s what U-turns are for. Give yourself space to reflect and get back at it. Remember, mental-health habits are just as important as physical ones.

Try these tips to get back on track!
~ Ask for help. Talking through your goals and getting an outside perspective from a friend can reset your mindset.
~ Be your biggest fan! Write down positive affirmations and post them in plain sight for a motivating boost.
~ Write down your why. With the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to lose sight of our “why.” Write it down and really see it! It works wonders!

It’s time to lace up your shoes and get to work. Imagine how accomplished you’ll feel when you reach your destination! 

What healthy habits are you working on?  I'd love to send you my free guide, 5 Easy Steps to Healthier Living.  Just click   HERE to get it.


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